• 25.11.2021 Press release

    Democracy & elections package: small significant steps to strengthen democracy

    ETUC's Liina Carr on democracy and elections package
    Commenting on today’s Commission proposals for new EU laws on electoral integrity and democratic participation, Liina Carr, ETUC Confederal Secretary said “Democracy is coming under increasing threat in Europe . Today’s European Commission proposals on political advertising, electoral rights and party funding represent small but significant steps towards strengthening our democracy.  
  • 25.11.2021 Press release

    EU needs to fix its violence and harassment problem

    This is a Violence and Harassment Free Zone
    EU institutions are significantly delaying important measures to tackle gender-based violence despite a rise in the number of attacks, trade unions are warning on the international day for the elimination of violence against women.
  • 24.11.2021 Press release

    Semester: Looking 'beyond GDP' keeps recovery on track

    Liina Carr
    Responding to the publication of the European Commission’s European Semester Autumn Package, ETUC Confederal Secretary Liina Carr said: “The GDP of a country is a poor indicator of wellbeing because wealth so often doesn’t trickle down. The ‘beyond GDP’ agenda announced by Commissioner Gentiloni today is an important step towards an economy that puts people before profit.
  • 24.11.2021 Press release

    MEPs must pay back Covid heroes in minimum wage vote

    Essential workers
    It’s time to pay back the sacrifices made by essential workers during the pandemic, trade unions have told members of the European Parliament ahead of the vote tomorrow on the minimum wage directive. 
  • 23.11.2021 Press release

    EP ramps up pressure for more Democracy at Work

    More democracy at Work
    MEP Gaby Bischoff's own-initiative report on "Democracy at Work” – adopted by an overwhelming majority in the by the Parliament’s Employment Committee today – calls for modernisation of EU legislation on workers involvement in decisions at work. The report includes calls for  
  • 18.11.2021 Press release

    EU competition reform needed to stop increasing inequality

    EU competition policy
    Responding to the review of competition policy launched today by the European Commission, ETUC Confederal Secretary Isabelle Schömann said:   “A reform of the EU’s competition policy is badly needed. The current rules and approach to competition enforcement are increasing inequality by helping to further concentrate economic power into the hands of a few major companies while undermining collective bargaining and workplace democracy.
  • 09.11.2021 Press release

    No equal pay without increases in minimum wages

    With women earning 14.1% less than men, ETUC is warning that equal pay cannot be achieved unless minimum wages are increased, and the value of work carried out by women is reassessed.   The warning comes for the EU’s Equal Pay Day on 10 November, just a day before the European Parliament’s Employment Committee votes on proposals to strengthen the proposed EU directive on Adequate Minimum Wages, and as the proposed EU directive on gender pay transparency is undergoing scrutiny by European Parliament committees.     
  • 08.11.2021 Press release

    Rent costs over 40% of minimum wage in 11 countries

    Minimum wage workers in 11 EU member states spend at least 40% of their income on rent, new research shows ahead of a European Parliament vote on the issue. People working full time are left with less than half of their wages to pay for food, heating and transport after rent in five countries. In a further six, rent accounts for between 41% and 48% of pay.
  • 29.10.2021 Press release

    Solidarity with Slovakian public sector workers

    The ETUC expresses its solidarity with public sector workers in Slovakia and their union KOZ SR campaigning for a fair pay rise. Hundreds of workers demonstrated outside the government’s headquarters on Wednesday as the second round of collective bargaining negotiations took place – not only to support their negotiators but protest against the dramatic reduction in living standards of other workers and citizens, particularly pensioners, amid increases in the price of food, electricity and housing due to inflation.